We are so excited to feature another wonderful member of our community on All Worked up- Christian Sismone! Christian is a life coach and motivational speaker who is launching her coaching and mentoring services at the end of June.

Read on for a glimpse into Christian’s day!


Where do you reside and what is your favorite local spot close to home? 

I currently live in the Twin Cities. Since I moved here at the top of 2020, I never was able to explore local spots.


What is your current go-to meal?

My fav meal is salmon salad as my dietary needs are picky. I love to pan-sear salmon or grill it and put it over a nice bed of fresh greens. This makes me a happy girl. 


As the world opens back up, what activities are you most looking forward to?

I adore the spa and the arts, so I get excited about having a nice weekend at a museum and ending it with a nice massage.


Describe your workwear style. 

When I did go into an office, I was into glamour everyday. I loathe pants and button downs so my wardrobe is filled with beautiful dresses, blouses, and skirts. Now that my 9-5 is mainly remote and my side business is virtual, I find myself enjoying a split between cute workout wear and beautiful gowns and robes. I don’t have a particular brand- I go for what looks gorgeous and has an amazing fit. 


Do you have a favorite workwear item that you can't live without? 

This is a hard question as I feel everything is a can’t-live-without.  But I feel in general that items such as well-made handbags/totes and well-made shoes are so important. They are typically the workhorses of your workwear. Who wants to walk into that career-changing meeting and break a heel or have a strap pop while commuting?


What are the top three hair/beauty products you can't live without?

A well-made wig, a red lip, and an exquisite fragrance. These things, no matter what I’m doing, make everything doable.


You're about to give a big presentation/have a big meeting, what are you wearing:

I’m wearing a very nice dress that is red, black or navy, with gold accessories that are well-made. My makeup/hair is perfected, yet not overdone.


How do you prepare for said big presentation or meeting? 

I am someone who is very quiet, yet powerful. I don’t believe in overthinking, but I do believe in proper forethought. Before an event, I ensure I sleep well and enjoy a beauty treatment (be it hair, a facial, a nice mani/pedi, or a massage). I also meditate and journal to get any mental clutter out as I know I am that chick and I just need to be fully present.


What constitutes a good day at work?

Doing the things that actually are measurable to successful endings. So that's having the calls, composing that email, or having that chat. It’s also ensuring I’m moving at least 5 mins every hour and drinking water. It’s also a good day when I am able to be myself.


How do you unwind and turn work off? 

As someone who has to tend to their mental health, I shut down at 5 like clockwork unless there is something pressing. I do some self-care daily, from my skincare routine, bath rituals, and journaling. I may even do take-out, which is rare.


Regardless of whether your work is your passion or your path to the weekend, what is your favorite thing to allocate time to outside of “the office?”

For me, as a budding entrepreneur, devoting time to things such as coaching and mentoring, which are my business, are things that are my fav pastimes. This can be in the form of reading, tweeting, or researching. I believe that when you know your purpose, you know how to fuel it.